Institutional Resources

Data Owner

Saira Bilal (, BMS OFRM

Availability in Data Warehouse


Data Refresh Rate


Accountability Weighted Scoring



Institutional Resources compare revenue vs. expenditure, similar to how a profit-and-loss statement in the private sector works. This informs the organisation if it's running at a surplus or a deficit for any given time.

Organisational Objective

The organisational objective is not to run at a deficit and have a balanced budget.

Calculation of Scoring

1. Revenue (50 out of 100 points)

  1. Steady or increasing is 100 points.

    1. For mid-year calculations → Do the same trendline as other efficiency

  2. Add a filter: Adjust revenue for inflation and set baseline as the 5th year going back

  3. Create a five-year average.

  4. Decreasing from the five-year average is points off.

  5. For each 1% off the average, we knock off 1 point

2. Balanced Budget (50 out of 100 points)

  1. If the revenue vs expenditures are balanced, or there is a surplus, full points.

    1. This is updated on a monthly basis

    2. Payroll

    3. GMS

    4. Against average monthly cumulative surplus/deficit of the last five-year trendline.


Last updated