Vacancy Rate

Data Owner

Siddharth Pawar (, OHR

Availability in Data Warehouse


Data Refresh Rate


Accountability Weighted Scoring


Vacancy Rate is the % of unoccupied positions within an organization over a specific period. This metric plays a significant role in analyzing workforce management, operational efficiency, and overall organizational performance. Vacancy rates are crucial as they provide insights into staff retention practices, recruitment success, job satisfaction levels among existing employees, and the ability of UNDP to maintain optimal productivity while adapting to changing demands.

Organisational Objective

Organizational objective is a vacancy rate at or below the industry benchmark of 15%.


The data for Vacancy Rate is stored in the UNDP Data Warehouse. However, OHR (Office of Human Resources) has added a lot of custom business rules to this data to reach the final results, and so this dataset is pulled directly from the their PowerBI Dashboards (link?) instead. This ensures that the Performnace App always has the latest business rules automatically, instead of having to rely on manual updates to the business rules each tiem they change.

All the data taken is already agreegated, we do not list out the precise positions that are unfilled.

Data Export

Calculation of Scoring

Vacancy rate 15% or lower = 100, Every percent above 15% reduces the total score by 2 pts. For example, a vacancy rate of 23% equals a score of 84.

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Limitations and Future Improvements


Last updated