Country Office Capacity Index
Identifying Country Offices (COs) struggling with capacity challenges allows leaders to prioritize which offices need additional support. This is particularly crucial for low-capacity offices implementing high-risk projects and portfolios. The CO Capacity Index was developed for the Performance App as part of an initiative to identify high-risk projects within the organization. It combines performance across five indicators in the app: % achievement of IRRF targets, delivery, last CO audit rating, Integrated Financial Dashboard (IFD) rating, and vacancy rate. Each CO is classified as low, medium-low, medium-high, or high capacity based on its performance in these five indicators. This index will be tested during the pilot rollout of the Performance App and adjusted over time to meet the organization’s needs.
The Capacity Index score is based on the following metrics:
OAI Rating
IFD Rating
Delivery Rate
Vacancy Rate
Each metric is scored up to 20 points, which are then averaged to produce a final score out of 20, representing the official CO Capacity Index score.
OAI Rating:
Fully Satisfactory = 20
Satisfactory / Some Improvements Needed = 15
Partially Satisfactory / Major Improvements Needed = 10
Unsatisfactory = 0
IFD Rating:
Acclaim = 20
Satisfactory = 17
Concern = 8
Critical = 0
Met or Exceeded Target = 20
Above 95% of Target = 15
Above 85% of Target = 10
Below 85% of Target = 5
Engagement Rate:
Above 80 Engagement Score = 20
Between 75 to 79 Engagement Score = 17
Between 70 to 74 Engagement Score = 15
Between 60 to 69 Engagement Score = 12
Below 60 Engagement Score = 8
Met or Exceeded Target = 20
Above 95% = 17
Between 85% to 95% = 12
Below 85% = 8
Total Calculations:
High Capacity: 16+
Medium-High Capacity: 13 to <16
Medium-Low Capacity: 11 to <13
Low Capacity: <11
The final score is normalized to 100.
Last updated