This is going to be global, bureau, and country office level indicator.
This is indicator measures the completeness of the project data for each country office. So whether there is a project without a description, a project without a implementing partner, without a ProDoc, and so on.
We will need to make some note that this is measuring project at the Quantum project number level not the unified project number level.
The Transaprency dashboard measures the completeness of the project and task data for each country office.
The project-level and task-leveldata measured is:
Projects with short title
Projects without description
Project with short description
Projects without IP
Projects without Prodoc
Projects without type
Wrong project structure
Task with short title
Tasks without descriptions
Tasks with short description
Tasks without gender marker
Tasks without indicators
Tasks without 2023 actuals (note that this is not used in the Performance App)
Tasks not linked to CPDs
Tasks without location
Tasks without SDG
Tasks without OECD Sector
Calculation of Scoring
Global Scoring
This is divided into two parts:
% of projects fully compliant with transparency requirements
% of tasks fully compliant with transparency requirements
Each worth 50% of the total score.
Bureau Scoring
For the bureaus, we follow the same approach as the global scoring but only for the bureaus. So this is not the average score of each of the country offices within the bureua, but rather the % of projects and tasks that are fully compliant with transparency requirements across all the country offices within the bureau.
Country Office Scoring
This is the same as the global scoring but only for the country office.
% of projects fully compliant with transparency requirements
% of tasks fully compliant with transparency requirements
Each worth 50% of the total score.
Task Scoring
For tasks, we will do a simple count of the number of tasks that are fully compliant vs not fully compliant. And the ratio is the score.
Traffic Light System
UNDP Transparency Dashboard (Note that this is not public)
Last updated